Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Only One Left...

For the past 9 weeks, I've been going to a Bible Study at church on Wednesday mornings for Moms. We meet from 9:30-10:30 in a large group and from 10:30-11:30 in a smaller group of about 15 moms. I've really enjoyed being challenged in my walk with God not only as a mom, but as a wife, sister, daughter, and friend. Next Wednesday is our last study before Christmas break and it starts back up on Jan. 16 for another 10 weeks. We are moving to Baltimore the week of Jan. 11, so this upcoming Wednesday will be my last study with this group of moms. I'm really going to miss it. I have met some strong, encouraging, Christian women that have really taught me a lot about life. I pray that I'll find a group of moms/women in Baltimore that will be as open to sharing life as the women in my group have been here at Southeast.


Tiffany said...

Lindsay, I'm in a mom's group on Wednesday mornings too. It's small but I love it. It's a neat time so I know what you mean. I was wondering if you guys know where you will be living in Baltimore yet???