Saturday, July 29, 2006

Just felt like doing a list...of my favorite preachers...but I'm doing 11 because I wanted it to be better than a Top 10...

1. Carl Kuhl...(I may be bias on this one)
2. Billiam (aka. Bill Hybels..The Creek)
3. Ed Young Jr. (Fellowship Church)
4.Mike Breaux (The Creek)
5. Jon Weece (Southland)
6. Dave Stone (Southeast)
7. Bob Russell (retired Southeast)
8. Erwin McManus (Mosaic)
9. Rob Bell (Mars Hill)
10. Kyle Idleman (Southeast)
11. Dick Alexander (Clovernook)


Rhonda said...

Hey, yo! Where's Pastor Rick??!!!

becca's bits said...

What about the Moll Man?

Anonymous said...

funny, I dont see Shane brewer here either.