Sunday, May 18, 2008

NYC Part 1

We decided to do something fun this year for our 5 year anniversary, so we planned a trip to New York City. Our actual anniversary isn't until June 14, but the summer starts to get a bit crazy for us, so we went a month early. We had a blast! My mom came over for the weekend to watch Reagan for us. She got there Thursday night and we left first thing Friday morning. We got to NYC a little after lunchtime, and it was pouring down rain. We had tickets for the Subway Series (Yankees vs. Mets) game that night, which of course got canceled, but we ended up still getting to go to the day game on Saturday. Friday, we ate at this great European place for lunch called Le Pain Quotidien (the daily bread). It was soooo good. It seemed like something the Food Network would feature. Since it was still pouring down rain when we got done, we decided we needed to do something inside, so we went to St. Patrick's Cathedral. I had never been to a cathedral before, so it was pretty impressive. After that, we took the Long Island Railroad out to meet up with our friends Kevin and Liz who live in Forrest Hills (Queens). At that point, the Yanks game hadn't officially been canceled yet, so we had an appetizer with them (crackers with 3 different types of cheese, pistachios, and sun dried tomatoes). Kevin is such a good host. Then, Carl found out the game was still on, so we headed back into the city. As soon as we got back in town, the game got called, so we found this place called Serafina that Kevin had recommended and ate there for dinner. Rachel Ray would be so proud of me...we found out where the locals eat and went there! After Serafina, we went to see Baby Mama, since it had been months since we'd seen a movie.