Monday, February 18, 2008

"Lifetime Snob..."

Now that my baby is 7 months old, I decided to do something about the weight that I still have lurking around since she was born. I joined a gym a week and a half ago and am really enjoying it. It's called Lifetime Fitness and it's really nice that people often become "Lifetime Snobs". One of my sister's friends admitted that she had become one not long after joining. I hope this isn't the case for me. I'm hoping to not only lose "baby weight", but meet some more people in the meantime. Since I joined, I've just been running on the treadmill, but I'm going to try some Group Fitness classes this week.


Anonymous said...

I LOVED the group fitness classes at Gold's. It's one of the things I missed (and still do!) most when we moved! We still haven't gotten memberships anywhere here. Hope it goes well for you!

The Gibson Family said...

I'll be sure and let you know if you become a snob!! Love you!