Saturday, August 25, 2007


Ok, Over tagged me so I'm supposed to list 8 random/weird facts about myself....

1. My two favorite cereals are Cracklin' Oat Bran and Grape Nuts (most people that eat these besides me are over 75 years old).

2. My dream job (besides a mom) is a high school gym teacher/basketball coach.

3. When leaving a tip at a restaraunt, I always make the total even...for example:

Bill: $21.80
Tip: $5.20
Total:$27 EVEN (only if I pay with check card...if it's cash, I don't care!)

4. I go through phases where I obsess with selling things on is one of those phases!

5. I ALWAYS run out of conditioner before I run out of annoying!

6. My favorite pizza is green olives (most people know this already).

7. I'm a sucker for fitness infomercials...although, I've never bought anything off of one...I can just watch them forever.

8. I'm not very creative because I can't think of an 8th random fact about myself!

I'm also supposed to tag 3 people, but I'm pretty sure that the only people that read this have already been tagged (except Eeeso), so if you are reading this and haven't been tagged, consider yourself tagged!


Anonymous said...

Even total - me too!! It drives me crazy when Mickey doesn't. He makes the tip even - $2 or $3.50, etc. I'm supposed to do this too, so sometime soon!

Megan Kuhl said...

My favorite cereal is Cracklin Oat Bran too! I've loved it since I was little. I thought I was the only one out there...ha. I get annoyed that the box is so dang small and costs so dang much, though, so I rarely get it.